Software development

VR Programming: Best Languages to Learn & Ultimate Guide

Circuit Stream has a private XR Slack Community which is open to public — just ask and we will let you in. You will beet developers and designers who have already produced and finished VR apps and designed multiple virtual worlds. To learn in depth about Unity and Unreal programming languages check out our C# vs C++ comparison guide. Remember that learning VR game development is an ongoing process, and you will likely need to consult multiple resources to build your skills. Combine tutorials, courses, and community interactions to gain a well-rounded understanding of Unity VR development for the Oculus Quest 2.

This approach can be advantageous for creating VR experiences that are more accessible and platform-agnostic. However, browser-based VR experiences may not offer the same level of performance and complexity as those built with game engines like Unity or Unreal Engine. Several surveys have confirmed that if you want to work in the gaming industry, then the two top programming languages for VR applications are C# and C/C++. If you haven’t mastered this coding language, Unity has a wide range of enlisted designers so you can easily get the help you need and advanced development tool worked by other Unity engineers. Unity also implements a lot of the components of C#, making it also a popular choice for augmented reality programming. Like any other application development, the language you select for virtual reality coding is determined by your goals.

Key Features of Python in VR Programming

Python is usually not a language that one considers learning when delving into VR. With the growth of the internet as a content delivery platform, languages tied to web development saw a boom in use as well. If you’re looking for a language with solid libraries and frameworks for VR development, C# is a good bet.

vr coding language

They are most often chosen to build cutting-edge VR experiences, which is why such structures have formed significant communities whose members will assist you in solving any problem. Although some experts call Java an outdated language, it is still actively used when working with VR. It is one of the first systems used in computer engineering software because it received the high-level parameters needed to form the various components of VR programs.


Virtual Reality (VR) programming is the process of creating interactive, immersive digital worlds. At its core, VR programming involves designing, developing, and implementing software that powers VR devices and applications. From VR gaming to education, VR programmers are the geniuses behind some of the most innovative and captivating experiences in today’s tech landscape. While the four languages above are the consensus picks for the top four programming languages for VR applications, there are several others utilized in VR. Of the ‘other’ languages used in VR development, Python offers a lot of benefits—particularly to novice developers.

  • While working in a VR headset, you’re able to focus on what truly matters in the coding process without having small distractions becoming big time wasters.
  • During my free time, I like to immerse myself in the world of virtual and augmented reality, which I believe will be more and more prominent in the years to come.
  • As the use of and demand for VR and AR tools increase, so will demand for programmers who can create these technological tools.
  • So, keep the following things in mind when designing 3D models for greater user experience.
  • Unknown to majority of people, Small Talk is an object-oriented, dynamically typed reflective programming language.
  • No matter your education background, it’s key for developers have a portfolio of work to show employers what they’re capable of.

But the Unreal Engine is slightly more powerful and is kind of viewed as the ‘adult’ version—most likely due to the fact it’s a little more challenging to learn. If you’re going to develop something on a smaller scale, you may go with C#, but if you’re going big-time and need more…you’ll need Unreal and C++. Unity and Unreal are the two primary VR engines used to create the games. Yes, you must be very cautious when using these languages since, depending on what you’re working on, they might modify the whole structure of the VR game or app. If you want to learn any of these languages from home I recommend you to check out Udemy.


In explaining the problem and background, you’ll often come across the solution. Considering these factors, it’s reasonable to expect that learning VR development could take anywhere from a few months to over a year. Python’s simplicity and readability make it a popular choice for many developers, including those involved in VR development. While C++ can be more challenging to learn compared to C#, it offers greater control over hardware and memory management, which can be advantageous for complex, resource-intensive VR projects. Both engines have free versions for use; Unreal is free up to a certain amount, after which royalties apply and Unity has a free version as well as several subscription (pay) services. Again, it pays to vet them thoroughly and decide which one works best for you.

vr coding language

Anything that Unity can’t provide in terms of learning can be easily addressed by tapping into its large community. When you feel stuck or have trouble understanding a concept, sometimes the best thing is to walk away and come back the next day. A fresh brain can better absorb the information you’re trying to understand.

Should kids learn text-based coding?

In essence, this might be your best bet if you’re just beginning in the world of programming for VR. Aside from this, it has a JAVA 3D API which enables VR applications to generate 3D images, track the position and orientation of user’s body creating an astonishing user experience. Since this language is synced with various browsers, it is suitable to work with the WebVR platform, which is useful when releasing web VR platforms. If you are trying to find a coding system to deal with web applications, we recommend paying attention to Javascript. But in order to code in VR you need the most important piece to get you started – a VR headset!

vr coding language

This is because you can develop your VR ideas through fewer code lines, which makes it easier and faster to understand. Now there are 2 game engines you must know about – Unity and Unreal engine. The great thing about Unity is you can use it to develop all kinds of games, thanks to its universal virtual reality support. This allows you to create the game once, but you can play it on any VR device. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used to describe the presentation of documents written in HTML or other markup languages. CSS3, the next generation of cascading style sheets, expands the ability to control the presentation of web content.


HTML is a simple to learn a programming language and does not need extensive programming understanding of algorithms, making it a prominent choice among game designers. JavaScript is a cornerstone of web development and has become increasingly popular as the world moves towards a web-based economy. As online games become more prevalent, JavaScript has emerged as one of the top programming languages for creating interactive gaming projects. Its versatility and ease of use make it an excellent choice for VR programming. Virtual and augmented reality are becoming more accepted technologies in app and website design for businesses.

vr coding language

The majority of browsers have a JavaScript engine built in to properly execute this code. On average, I notice it takes around 6-12 months for a beginner to learn VR development. A lot of beginner programmers are able to produce their programming languages for vr first commercial VR title within 1-2 years. If you are just looking at creating a relatively small vr application, C# is what you can use. Because Unity is written in C#, you must have some sophisticated coding skills to work on it.

Cool Augmented Reality Examples To Know About

Because just as dreams are limitless and a world in itself, VR can infuse even the most unimaginable scenarios with some semblance of reality. A prerequisite for coding in VR is that you must use a high-resolution headset, but even then, it may not be possible to have a satisfying experience. Coding just on VR will lead to blurry vision and may affect productivity or mood. The only thing you will need to alter is the headset to enjoy all the gameplay elements for more interactive VR experiences. Cascading Style Sheets is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language such as HTML.

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