
Independent and Dependent Variables: Which Is Which?

Ikke-/- and IkkeK38A/K38A mice were viable and fertile and did not show any apparent pathology consistent with earlier studies in Ikke-/- mice2. Tbk1-/- mice died during embryogenesis but were rescued by homozygous or heterozygous expression of kinase-inactive RIPK1-D138N (Fig. 1c), as reported previously26. Tbk1D135N/D135N mice were also embryonically lethal and were rescued by homozygous or heterozygous RIPK1-D138N expression (Fig. 1c), showing that lack of TBK1 catalytic activity caused RIPK1 kinase-dependent embryonic lethality. To assess potential redundant functions between TBK1 and IKKε, we investigated whether combined loss of these kinases or their catalytic activity also causes RIPK1 kinase-dependent embryonic lethality. We found that Ikke-/- Tbk1-/- and IkkeK38A/K38A Tbk1D135N/D135N were also embryonically lethal but were born and reached adulthood when RIPK1 kinase activity was inhibited by heterozygous or homozygous expression of catalytically inactive RIPK1-D138N (Fig. 1d).

  • Usually, in algebra, we express an unknown number using the term ‘x’ and ‘y’.
  • IKKε is homologous to TBK1 and was also shown to contribute to IFN production, with the two kinases exhibiting functional redundancy in anti-viral responses25,27.
  • Read our guide to learn which science classes high school students should be taking.
  • Cell death assay was performed using the Incucyte bioimaging platform (Essen); four images per well were captured with a lens that has a magnification of 10.

It can be a lot easier to understand the differences between these two variables with examples, so let’s look at some sample experiments below. Emma’s Extreme Sports hires hang-gliding instructors and pays them a fee of $50 per class as well as $20 per student in the class. Find the equation that expresses the total cost in terms of the number of students in a class. They will also help you stay that way as you will be less likely to run into financial trouble in the future. When you receive a job offer, be sure to inquire about employee benefits, such as health insurance and retirement savings options such as a 401(k).

Independent and dependent variables in research

As you can see, this is a graph showing how the number of hours a student studies affects the score she got on an exam. From the graph, it looks like studying up to six hours helped her raise her score, but as she studied more than that her score dropped slightly. There is no right answer on whether you should accept this type of help from your parents. But if you do, be sure that you don’t make it a habit, expect the money, or inadvertently make your parents play the role of an emergency fund.

Our genetic studies revealed a previously unappreciated function of IKKε in compensating for the loss of TBK1 kinase activity to inhibit RIPK1-mediated cell death, which is important to prevent myeloid cell expansion and multi-organ inflammation. Previous studies employed Tbk1-/- and Ikke-/- mice to study the role of these kinases2,24,25. However, many kinases, including RIPK1, display both kinase-dependent and kinase-independent functions that are often involved in regulating different cellular functions16,43. We therefore generated knock-in mice expressing kinase-inactive mutants of TBK1 (Tbk1D135N/D135N) and IKKε (IkkeK38A/K38A) and analyzed these side by side with Tbk1-/- and Ikke-/- mice to explore kinase-dependent and -independent functions of these proteins.

  • Find the equation that expresses the total cost in terms of the number of hours required to complete the job.
  • Here we show that IKKε compensates for the loss of TBK1 kinase activity to prevent RIPK1-dependent and -independent inflammation in mice.
  • Plus, as of July 2020, 52% of young adults were living with one or both parents—up from 47% in February of that same year.
  • The independent variable (x) is the number of hours Svetlana tutors each session.
  • Tbk1-/- mice died during embryogenesis but were rescued by homozygous or heterozygous expression of kinase-inactive RIPK1-D138N (Fig. 1c), as reported previously26.
  • Find the equation that expresses the total cost in terms of the number of students in a class.

Interestingly, we found that Ikke-/- Tbk1-/- Ripk1wt/D138N and IkkeK38A/K38A Tbk1D135N/D135N Ripk1wt/D138N, but not Tbk1-/- Ripk1wt/D138N or Tbk1D135N/D135N Ripk1wt/D138N mice, displayed alopecia before weaning with hair growth recovering almost completely by the age of 8 weeks (Fig. 1f, g). This hair phenotype depended on RIPK1 kinase activity as Ikke-/- Tbk1-/- Ripk1D138N/D138N and IkkeK38A/K38A Tbk1D135N/D135N Ripk1D138N/D138N did not show transient alopecia (Fig. 1f, g). To assess whether the transient alopecia was caused by loss of a keratinocyte-intrinsic function of IKKε and TBK1, we generated IkkeK38A/K38A Tbk1fl/D135N K14-Crewt/tg mice that lack TBK1 kinase activity specifically in keratinocytes and IKKε kinase activity in all cells.

What is a dependent variable?

The results showed that inclusion of the covariate allowed improved estimates of the trend against time to be obtained, compared to analyses which omitted the covariate. As another example, say you want to know whether or not eating breakfast affects student test scores. The factor under the experimenter’s control is the presence or absence of breakfast, so you know it is the independent variable.

It’s the outcome you’re interested in measuring, and it “depends” on your independent variable. You have three independent variable levels, and each group gets a different level of treatment. You can turbotax launches free tool to help americans get stimulus payments apply just two levels in order to find out if an independent variable has an effect at all. You vary the room temperature by making it cooler for half the participants, and warmer for the other half.

Introduction to Statistics

This step, creating a scattergraph is done as a first step to see if our theory is correct, before we move on and do further analysis. The dependent variable is characterized as the variable whose quality depends on the estimation of another variable in its condition. That is, the estimation of the word variable is dependably said to be reliant on the free variable of math condition. For example, a researcher might change the amount of water they provide to a certain plant to observe how it affects the growth rate of the plant. For experimental data, you analyze your results by generating descriptive statistics and visualizing your findings.

Independent Variable

Interestingly, mice lacking both IKKε and TBK1 died during embryogenesis similarly to Tbk1-/-, however, they could not be rescued by TNF deficiency25, showing that combined loss of IKKε and TBK1 causes embryonic lethality by mechanisms that are at least in part independent of TNF. Thus, whereas IKKε appears to share important functions with TBK1, the combined role of these two kinases in regulating embryonic development and tissue homeostasis and the underlying mechanisms remain elusive. Here we investigated the role of TBK1 and IKKε by generating and analyzing knock-in mice expressing kinase-inactive versions of these kinases. Our results revealed a previously unappreciated function of IKKε in compensating for the loss of TBK1 kinase activity to prevent RIPK1-dependent and -independent cell death and inflammation, which is important for the maintenance of tissue homeostasis. Extraneous variables, if included in a regression analysis as independent variables, may aid a researcher with accurate response parameter estimation, prediction, and goodness of fit, but are not of substantive interest to the hypothesis under examination. For example, in a study examining the effect of post-secondary education on lifetime earnings, some extraneous variables might be gender, ethnicity, social class, genetics, intelligence, age, and so forth.

Experiment 3: Simple Machines

Notably, IEC-specific ablation of NEMO, but not of IKK2, induced spontaneous intestinal inflammation by sensitizing IECs to RIPK1-dependent cell death52,53. TBK1 and IKKε regulate multiple cellular processes including anti-viral type-I interferon responses, metabolism and TNF receptor signaling. However, the relative contributions and potentially redundant functions of IKKε and TBK1 in cell death, inflammation and tissue homeostasis remain poorly understood. Here we show that IKKε compensates for the loss of TBK1 kinase activity to prevent RIPK1-dependent and -independent inflammation in mice. Combined inhibition of IKKε and TBK1 kinase activities caused embryonic lethality that was rescued by heterozygous expression of kinase-inactive RIPK1. Adult mice expressing kinase-inactive versions of IKKε and TBK1 developed systemic inflammation that was induced by both RIPK1-dependent and -independent mechanisms.

Independent and dependent variables

While your salary will make up the majority of your compensation, benefits can provide a great deal of financial security. Having insurance and planning for retirement from a young age are key to reaching financial independence. Plus, as of July 2020, 52% of young adults were living with one or both parents—up from 47% in February of that same year. It’s not uncommon for new college graduates to live at home for a few months following graduation while they job hunt. If financial independence is one of your goals, however, it’s important to set a timeline for when you will officially leave the nest. Working towards financial independence may mean different things depending on the cultural and social environment that you grew up in.

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